BigQuery error when loading csv file from Google Cloud Storage

For me, it was an issue with the presence of new line and carriage return characters, try replacing the special characters. I have replaced the characters using below code and it resolved the loading part.

df= df.applymap(lambda x: x.replace("\r"," "))
df= df.applymap(lambda x: x.replace("\n"," "))

I have used lambda function as I don't know which column is string in my case. If you are sure about columns then replace its column wise.

Try to replace the characters and it will work for you as well.

You cannot have empty rows in your file without delimiters, otherwise BigQuery (and pretty much every other ingest engine) will think it's just one column.

For example, this will fail on row 3 with the error you describe:

119470,Fashion,Fashion Own,Menswear,Menswear Brands Other,Formal Shirts,Long Sleeve Shirts

119471,Fashion,Fashion Own,Womenswear,Womensswear Brands Other,Formal Shirts,Long Sleeve Shirts

This will succeed:

119470,Fashion,Fashion Own,Menswear,Menswear Brands Other,Formal Shirts,Long Sleeve Shirts
119471,Fashion,Fashion Own,Womenswear,Womensswear Brands Other,Formal Shirts,Long Sleeve Shirts