BigQuery - Get the total number of columns in a BigQuery table

There are a couple of ways to do this:

A. Using the BQ command line tool, and the JQ linux library to parse JSON.

bq --format=json show publicdata:samples.shakespeare | jq '.schema.fields | length'

This outpus:


B. Using the REST api to do a Tables:get call


this returns a full JSON, that you can parse and query for schema.field length.

   "description":"This dataset is a word index of the works of Shakespeare, giving the number of times each word appears in each corpus.",
            "description":"A single unique word (where whitespace is the delimiter) extracted from a corpus.",
            "description":"The number of times this word appears in this corpus.",
            "description":"The work from which this word was extracted.",
            "description":"The year in which this corpus was published.",

Using SQL query & built-in INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables:

SELECT count(distinct column_name) 
FROM  `project_id`.name_of_dataset.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS
WHERE table_name = "name_of_table"