Binary matrix multiplication bit twiddling hack

I'm not sure about most efficient, but here's something to try. The following sequence of instructions computes the main diagonal of the product A * T'. Rotate both T and D by 8 bits and repeat for 7 more iterations.

// uint64_t A, T;
uint64_t D = UINT64_C(0x8040201008040201);
uint64_t P = A & T;
// test whether each byte is nonzero
P |= P >> 1;
P |= P >> 2;
P |= P >> 4;
P &= UINT64_C(0x0101010101010101);
// fill each nonzero byte with ones
P *= 255;  // or P = (P << 8) - P;
// leave only the current diagonal
P &= D;

If you are looking for a way to do dense matrix multiplication in parallel, partition your result matrix into blocks and compute each block in parallel.

It is not clear what data structure you are using, which language (yes, I know you said 'any language'), and what you are trying to optimize (speed? memory?) etc. All of these may have profound impact on your solution.

Some examples:

  • Say this was C/C++, and your matrices are continues bits in memory. Each row/column maps to a UINT8. In this case, multiplying a row with a column reduces to doing an 8-bit bitwise-&, and checking if the result is greater than 0 (no need to sum the bits). This takes 2 processor instruction.
  • If you are forced to do bit-by-bit operations, use the bitwise 'or' (|) instead of +. Some languages may lazy evaluate this, stopping at the first '1' they encounter.
  • If you can multi-thread, you could speedup calculations.

BTW, I'm assuming you have a lot of matrices to process, otherwise I would use a direct, and readable code. My guess is that even with a lot of matrices, the gain in performance would be negligible.