Binary to Octal python code example

Example 1: how to get the binary value in python

bin(19) # will return '0b10011'

#or you can do

def binary(num):
    array = []

    #makes the binary value
    while(num > 0):
        sol1 = num / 2

        check = sol1 - int(sol1)

        if(check > 0):
            num = sol1 - 0.5
            num = sol1
    #makes sure the binary value is a minimum of 4 bits long
    while(len(array) < 4):

    #reverses the array
    array = array[::-1]

    #joins the array into a string, return the string
    string = ''.join(array)

    return string
#binary(19) will return 10011

Example 2: decimal to octal python

# Python program to convert decimal into other number systems
dec = 344

print("The decimal value of", dec, "is:")
print(bin(dec), "in binary.")
print(oct(dec), "in octal.")
print(hex(dec), "in hexadecimal.")

Example 3: python library to convert decimal into octal and hexadecimal

dec =13
print(bin(dec),oct(dec),hex(dec))		#prints decimal,octal,hexadecimal value of 13