Binding list to params in Pandas read_sql_query with other params

WARNING! Although my proposed solution here works, it is prone to SQL injection attacks. Therefor, it should never be used directly in backend code! It is only safe for offline analysis.

If you're using python 3.6+ you could also use a formatted string litteral for your query (cf

start, end = 201601, 201603
selected_members = (111, 222, 333, 444, 555)  # requires to be a tuple

query = f"""
    SELECT member_id, yearmonth FROM queried_table
    WHERE yearmonth BETWEEN {start} AND {end}
      AND member_id IN {selected_members}

df = pd.read_sql_query(query, db2conn)

Break this up into three parts to help isolate the problem and improve readability:

  1. Build the SQL string
  2. Set parameter values
  3. Execute pandas.read_sql_query

Build SQL

First ensure ? placeholders are being set correctly. Use str.format with str.join and len to dynamically fill in ?s based on member_list length. Below examples assume 3 member_list elements.


member_list = (1,2,3)
sql = """select member_id, yearmonth
         from queried_table
         where yearmonth between {0} and {0}
         and member_id in ({1})"""
sql = sql.format('?', ','.join('?' * len(member_list)))


select member_id, yearmonth
from queried_table
where yearmonth between ? and ?
and member_id in (?,?,?)

Set Parameter Values

Now ensure parameter values are organized into a flat tuple


# generator to flatten values of irregular nested sequences,
# modified from answers
def flatten(l):
    for el in l:
            yield from flatten(el)
        except TypeError:
            yield el

params = tuple(flatten((201601, 201603, member_list)))


(201601, 201603, 1, 2, 3)


Finally bring the sql and params values together in the read_sql_query call

query = pd.read_sql_query(sql, db2conn, params)