Binding to a component property in angular2

I was experimenting with Angular2 and came up against the same problem. However, I found the following to work with the current alpha version (2.0.0-alpha.21)

  selector: 'hello',
  properties: {'name':'name'}
  template:`<h1>Hello {{_name}}</h1>`
class Hello {
  _name: string;

  constructor() { 

  set name(name){
    this._name = name;

  selector: 'app',
      <hello name="Matt"></hello>
  directives: [Hello]
class Application {
  constructor() { };


It seems that properties on the Class that is passed to bootstrap are ignored. Unsure if this is intended or a bug.

Edit: I've just built Angular2 from source and tried the @Attribute annotation, it works as per the docs (but only on the nested component).

constructor(@Attribute('name') name:string) { 

Prints 'Matt' to the console.

The current way is to decorate the property as @Input.

    `enter code here`selector: 'bank-account',
    template: `
    Bank Name: {{bankName}}
    Account Id: {{id}}
class BankAccount {
    @Input() bankName: string;
    @Input('account-id') id: string;
    // this property is not bound, and won't be automatically updated by Angular
    normalizedBankName: string;
    selector: 'app',
    template: `
    <bank-account bank-name="RBC" account-id="4747"></bank-account>`,
    directives: [BankAccount]
class App {}

above example is from