Bit string diagram with LaTex
For starting point in your learning (in case that as basic tool you select TikZ package) can serve the following MWE:
\documentclass[tikz, border=3mm]{standalone}
node distance=0pt,
start chain = A going right,
X/.style = {rectangle, draw,% styles of nodes in string (chain)
minimum width=2ex, minimum height=3ex,
outer sep=0pt, on chain},
B/.style = {decorate,
decoration={brace, amplitude=5pt,
pre=moveto,pre length=1pt,post=moveto,post length=1pt,
#1}, % for mirroring of brace, if necessary
B/.default=mirror, % by default braces are mirrored
\foreach \i in {0,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,
0,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,0}% <-- content of nodes
\node[X] {\i};
\draw[B] ( A-1.south west) -- node[below=2mm] {Channel 1 Links} ( A-9.south east);
\draw[B] (A-10.south west) -- node[below=2mm] {Channel 2 Links} (A-18.south east);
\draw[B] (A-19.south west) -- node[below=2mm] {Channel 3 Links} (A-27.south east);
\node (B1) [inner sep=1pt,above=of A-10.north west] {$\times$};
\node (B2) [inner sep=1pt,above=of A-19.north west] {$\times$};
\draw[B=](B1.north) -- node[above=2mm] {Crossover Points}(B2.north);
which gives:
Short explanation of code: Above code is (very) concise, so for it understanding some experience with TikZ package is necessary. In it design I considered the following:
The simple structure of picture. It has 27 nodes with equal shapes which form a chain. Therefore the
library from TikZ is used for their positioning. It is defined by optionstart chain = A going right
, where A is chain name. Consequently nodes in chain are named A-1, A-2, ... , A-27.Distances between nodes in chain is determined by
node distance
. Its default value is 15 mm, so withnode distance=0pt
it is set to zero, so nodes are separated only byouter sep
parameter of shapes. That border lines are properly overlapped, also this distance is set to zero (in definition of nodes' style, it is named X)In the TikZ the
loops is intended to do repeating task. Such task is setting nodes in chain. with\forach \i in {...}\node[X] {\i};
are formed a chain of nodes (with style X), with content determined by list in curly braces. Since their positions are determined by chain, the loop actually only determine their number and content.
Braces below and above nodes is drawn by use of
library. In it definition among their parameters the parametermirror
is select as free parameter which is can be determined later. Since the three from four braces are mirrored, this is set as default and exception is determined "locally".Braces is designed so, that they are
shorter on each side than is distance between coordinates, and withraise=1mm
is move below (when is mirrored) or above (when is not mirrored) from given coordinates.The crosses above begin and end of "channel 2 links" is set on "classic way" with
above=of <coordinate name>
and for it is used math symbol for multiplying.
More deep description of principle of TikZ which are used heree is in TikZ manual:
- for chains: chapter 46 Chains, page 541
- for
loop: chapter 83 Repeating Things: The Foreach Statement, page 901 - for braces: subsection 48.3 Path Replacing Decorations, page 581
A short code with pstricks
\usepackage{pstricks-add, multido}
\psset{dimen=middle, linewidth=0.6pt, braceWidthOuter=4pt, braceWidthInner=4pt, braceWidth=0.8pt, labelsep =-2ex}
\multido{\i = 0 + 1, \n=0+0.5}{27}{\fnode[framesize=0.5](\n, 0){A\i}}%
\psset{rot=90, nodesepB=2ex}
\multido{\ia=0 + 9, \ib=8 + 9}{3}{\pnode[-0.15, -0.35](A\ia){B\ia}\pnode[0.15, -0.35](A\ib){B\ib}\psbrace(B\ia)(B\ib){\clap{Channel\,1 Links}}}
\multido{\i=8 + 9}{2}{\pnode[0.25,0.6](A\i){C\i}\uput{1pt}[d](C\i){$\times$}}
\psbrace[rot=-90, nodesepB=-0.5ex](C17)(C8){\clap{Crossover Points}}