Bitbucket pipeline - possibility to merge one branch to another
I was facing the same issue, but wanted to use pull requests instead of simple git merge. So I ended up utilising bitbucket API for the job:
1. Create "App password"
Create "App password" so you don't have to push your own credentials to pipelines (bitbucket settings -> app passwords)
2. Set environment variables for pipelines
- BB_USER = your username
- BB_PASSWORD = app password
3. Create bash script
I have a bash script that creates pull request from $BITBUCKET_BRANCH
and merge it immediately
#!/usr/bin/env bash # Exit immediately if a any command exits with a non-zero status # e.g. pull-request merge fails because of conflict set -e # Set destination branch DEST_BRANCH=$1 # Create new pull request and get its ID echo "Creating PR: $BITBUCKET_BRANCH -> $DEST_BRANCH" PR_ID=`curl -X POST$BITBUCKET_REPO_OWNER/$BITBUCKET_REPO_SLUG/pullrequests \ --fail --show-error --silent \ --user $BB_USER:$BB_PASSWORD \ -H 'content-type: application/json' \ -d '{ "title": "'$BITBUCKET_BRANCH' -> '$DEST_BRANCH'", "description": "automatic PR from pipelines", "state": "OPEN", "destination": { "branch": { "name": "'$DEST_BRANCH'" } }, "source": { "branch": { "name": "'$BITBUCKET_BRANCH'" } } }' \ | sed -E "s/.*\"id\": ([0-9]+).*/\1/g"` # Merge PR echo "Merging PR: $PR_ID" curl -X POST$BITBUCKET_REPO_OWNER/$BITBUCKET_REPO_SLUG/pullrequests/$PR_ID/merge \ --fail --show-error --silent \ --user $BB_USER:$BB_PASSWORD \ -H 'content-type: application/json' \ -d '{ "close_source_branch": false, "merge_strategy": "merge_commit" }'
- usage:
- see pipelines environment variables documentation to understand better used variables
- see bitbucket API docs for more info about used API
4. Finally in pipelines
just call the script:
Dev: - step: script: - ./ master
- Pipeline will fail if there is conflict (if you want it to fail)
- better control of what's happening