Bitcask ok for simple and high performant file store?

I don't think that Bitcask is going to work well for your use-case. It looks like the Bitcask model is designed for use-cases where the size of each value is relatively small.

The problem is in Bitcask's data file merging process. This involves copying all of the live values from a number of "older data file" into the "merged data file". If you've got millions of values in the region of 100Kb each, this is an insane amount of data copying.

Note the above assumes that the XML documents are updated relatively frequently. If updates are rare and / or you can cope with a significant amount of space "waste", then merging may only need to be done rarely, or not at all.

Bitcask can be appropriate for this case (large values) depending on whether or not there is a great deal of overwriting. In particular, there is not reason to merge files unless there is a great deal of wasted space, which only occurs when new values arrive with the same key as old values.

Bitcask is particularly good for this batch load case as it will sequentially write the incoming data stream straight to disk. Lookups will take one seek in most cases, although the file cache will help you if there is any temporal locality.

I am not sure on the status of a Java version/wrapper.




