Blazor component : refresh parent when model is updated from child component

Create a shared service. Subscribe to the service's RefreshRequested event in the parent and Invoke() from the child. In the parent method call StateHasChanged();

public interface IMyService
    event Action RefreshRequested;
    void CallRequestRefresh();

public class MyService: IMyService
    public event Action RefreshRequested;
    public void CallRequestRefresh()

//child component

//parent component
MyService.RefreshRequested += RefreshMe;

private void RefreshMe()

Update Parent State by calling it's StateHasChanged method

Create a Method to Update the State on Parent:

public void RefreshState(){

Pass the Parent to the Child's by cascading Value or Parameter Example:

<CascadingValue Value="this">
  <ChildComponent /> 

Now on the Child's component declare the Cascading Parameter:

public ParentPageType _Parent { get; set; }

And Now When you want to refresh the parent just call:
