block comments python code example

Example 1: python comment multiple lines

#There is no way to comment multiple lines in Python.
#You just keep using "#" symbol to comment each line out.

Technically you could also use triple single quotation
marks like so, but this formatting does not count
as "true" source code comments that are removed by
a Python parser.

Example 2: python big comment

# one hashtag for a single line comment

3 quote marks is technically
a docstring, but it works as
a multi line comment

##pressing 'Alt 3' in IDLE comments out
##what you are selecting
and 'Alt 4' to uncomment

if False:
  print('Hello') # yes you can do it at the end of a line
  you can technically put if False around code you dont want it to run,
  but that would mean it has to have correct syntax,
  and would not be good for readability.

Example 3: comment out a block in python

select the lines you want to comment
and 'use Ctrl + / to comment all of the selected text'.
To uncomment do the same thing.
put a '#' before each line

eg : #This is a comment

Example 4: python comment block

a multiline 

Example 5: multiline comment in python

# This a comment
#Or This
#For a comment written in more than a line
#You just add triple quotes without assigning it a variable or putting it in a
#print statement
Like This
But only for Python
As far as i know

Example 6: big comments python

# One line Comment
myvar = 5 # Can also start after any chunk of code

Big multiple lines comment
So many lines