Block WiFi Access Point by MAC address on DD-WRT using client mode WAN connection

As per Daniel's comment, can modify /tmp/ath0_wpa_supplicant.conf to include variable bssid=<mac of good ap> in the network{} declaration, followed by # kill -HUP "$(pidof "wpa_supplicant")" to signal to wpa_supplicant that it should reload config.

This keeps the adaptor connected to an access point, blocking roaming to other access points.

  • man wpa_supplicant
  • (debian) /usr/share/doc/wpa_supplicant/README

To give you the straight answer, so you don't have to spend your time reading a whole dictionary:

On an ATHEROS based DDWRT device - so this does not work on Broadcom, it will work on yours if telnetting into the router and running 'ps' yields a process called wpa_supplicant.

Go to Administration, Commands, and put this in and save as a Custom Script:

sed -i '7ibssid=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx' /tmp/ath0_wpa_supplicant.conf

kill -HUP "$(pidof "wpa_supplicant")"

The first line inserts the line bssid=(mac address of upstream router) at line 7 in the wpa_supplicant, which should get it in the networking section. You can use less ath0_wpa_supplicant.conf to see what range networking is in, at the telnet prompt in the folder /tmp

The second line as the first answerer states, restarts wpa_supplicant.

The commands are copy-and-paste, as is. The only change you need to make is substituting the upstream AP's MAC for xx:xx...