Boolean Evaluation in Apex?
I got a fairly simple one working. It might not perform as well as a more sophisticated option, but it is easy to understand.
public class BooleanExpression
static Boolean orJoin(String x, String y) { return evaluate(x) || evaluate(y); }
static Boolean andJoin(String x, String y) { return evaluate(x) && evaluate(y); }
static Boolean isSimpleExpression(String x) { return x == 'true' || x == 'false'; }
static String simplify(String x)
x = x.trim();
while (x.contains('('))
String sub = x.substringAfterLast('(').substringBefore(')');
x = x.replace('(' + sub + ')', String.valueOf(evaluate(sub)));
return x;
static Boolean evaluate(String x)
x = simplify(x);
if (!isSimpleExpression(x))
if (x.contains('&&')) return andJoin(x.split('&&', 2));
if (x.contains('||')) return orJoin(x.split('||', 2));
if (x.startsWith('!')) return !evaluate(x.substring(1));
return Boolean.valueOf(x);
I know you can just use assert(evaluate(expression))
, but that feels kind of dirty here.
class BooleanExpressionTests
static testMethod void testExpressions()
system.assertEquals(true, evaluate('true'));
system.assertEquals(false, evaluate('!true'));
system.assertEquals(true, evaluate('!false'));
system.assertEquals(false, evaluate('false'));
system.assertEquals(false, evaluate('true && !true'));
system.assertEquals(true, evaluate('false || !false'));
evaluate('false || (false || (!true || (false || true)))'));
One more way may be using Reverse Polish Notation for evaluation of expressions without recursion and for linear time. My solution is just simplified version of this one.
Example of implementation some comments:
public class RPN {
//map with priorities
public static Map<String,Integer> OperatorsPriorities = new Map<String,Integer>{
'*' => 2, // AND binary
'+' => 1,// OR binary
'(' => -1, //
')' => -2,
'-' => 3 //NOT - unary
public static Boolean evaluateString(String param){
String rpn_string = buildRPN(param);
return evalRPN(rpn_string);
public static string buildRPN(String param){
param = param.replace('true','t').replace('false','f').replace(' ','')
//to make input string smaller, do some nice replacements
List<String> stack = new List<String>();//represent stack
String result = '';//Reverse Polish Notation string
Integer counter = 0;//current character position
while(counter < param.length()){//go through input string
String p = param.substring(counter,counter+1);//get current character
if (p == 't' || p == 'f'){//if that is a value
result += p;//add to RPN
if (OperatorsPriorities.get(p) == -1){//if that is open bracket
stack.add(p);//add to stack
}else if(OperatorsPriorities.get(p) == -2){//if that is closed bracked
while(stack.get(stack.size() -1) != '('){//pop stack until open bracket
result += stack.remove(stack.size() - 1);
stack.remove(stack.size() - 1);//remove bracket from stack
}else {//if that is operator
while ( stack.size() > 0
&& OperatorsPriorities.get(p) <= OperatorsPriorities.get(stack.get(stack.size() - 1))){
result += stack.remove(stack.size() - 1);//pop from stack to RPN until operator with lower priority meet
while(stack.size()> 0){//pop stack to RPN result string
result += stack.remove(stack.size() - 1);
return result;
public static string opposite(string param){
return (param == 't')? 'f': 't';
public static boolean evalRPN(string prn){
List<String> elements = prn.split('');
Integer position = 0;
while(elements.size() > 1){//evaluate rpn string unless 1 value left
String element = elements.get(position);//get current position
if (element == 't' || element == 'f'){//if that is value - go forward
if (element == '-'){//unary operator - replace previous value and remove it
}else if (element == '*'){//binary operator - replace prev prev value and remove prev and current
String par1 = elements.get(position - 2);
String par2 = elements.get(position - 1);
String res = (par1 == 'f' || par2 == 'f')? 'f' : 't';
position -= 2;
}else if (element == '+'){//another binary operator
String par1 = elements.get(position - 2);
String par2 = elements.get(position - 1);
String res = (par1 == 't' || par2 == 't')? 't' : 'f';
position -= 2;
return (elements.get(0) == 't')?true:false;