boom miners zerg code example

Example 1: boom miners zerg

{                                 --last joined miners  information

Example 2: boom miners zerg

	"BTX": {                                        --currencies information
		"algo": "bitcore",
		"port": 3556,
		"name": "BitCore",                          --coin name
		"height": 18944,                            --current blockchain height
		"workers": 181,                             --amount of workers mining in total		
		"workers_shared': 100,                      --amount of workers mining in shared mode
		"workers_solo": 81,                         --amount of workers mining in solo mode		
		"hashrate": 7267227499,                     --current total hashrate for this coin 
		"hashrate_shared": 700000000,               --current shared hashrate for this coin 
		"hashrate_solo": 267227499,                 --current solo hashrate for this coin 
		"24h_blocks": 329,                          --amount of blocks found during last 24h in all modes
		"24h_blocks_shared" : 29,                   --amount of blocks found during last 24h in shared mode		
		"24h_blocks_solo" : 300,                    --amount of blocks found during last 24h in solo mode
		"24h_btc": 0.54471295,                      --amount of BTC equivalent of 24h found blocks in all modes
		"24h_btc_shared": 0.5671295,                --amount of BTC equivalent of 24h found blocks in shared mode 
		"24h_btc_solo": 0.52471295,                 --amount of BTC equivalent of 24h found blocks in solo mode
		"lastblock": 18945,                         --last block found height
		"timesincelast": 67,                        --time since last block found in sec
		"timesincelast_shared": 67,                 --time since last block found in shared mode in sec
		"timesincelast_solo": 120,                  --time since last block found in solo mode in sec 
		"noautotrade" : 1,                          --value 1 - coin is not supported for auto exchange mining, value 0 - coin is supported for auto exchange mining
		"estimate_current" : "0.00053653",          --estimated current earnings based on coin price per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)
		"estimate_last24" :"0.00053653",            --estimate earnings mining subject coin based on last 24h price data per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)
		"actual_last24h" : "0.00035620",            --actual earning based on last 24h found coin blocks per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)
		"actual_last24h_shared" : "0.00037620",     --actual earning in shared mode based on last 24h found coin blocks per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)
		"actual_last24h_solo" : "0.00032620",       --actual earning in solo mode based on last 24h found coin blocks per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)	
		"mbtc_mh_factor" : 1000,                    --multiplier, value 1 represents Mh/S, 1000 represents GH/S, 1000000 represents TH/S, 0.001 represents KH/s
		"hashrate_last24h":193137521,               --amount of hash submitted towards mining subject coin during last 24h in all modes
		"hashrate_last24h_shared":193137521,        --amount of hash submitted towards mining subject coin during last 24h in shared mode
		"hashrate_last24h_solo":0,                  --amount of hash submitted towards mining subject coin during last 24h in solo mode

		"minpay":100,                               --coin amount for payment threshold
		"minpay_sunday":20                          --lowered coin amount for payment threshold on Sundays



Example 3: boom miners zerg

{                                 --last 500 found blocks on the pool, last 250 blocks of certain coin specifying parameter
	"time":"1527075226",             --unix timestamp
	"category":"new",                --new/immmature/confirmed               
	"difficulty":"0.00368",          --difficulty at pool with applied multipliers
	"difficulty_user":"0.006733",    --difficulty by user's miner
	"type":"shared"                  --type of reward distribution shared or solo 

Example 4: boom miners zerg

	"x11": {                                     --algo information
		"name": "x11",                           --algorithm name     
		"port": 3533,                            --TCP connection port		
		"coins": 10,                             --amount of coins available in subject algo
		"fees": 1,                               --pool fee in %
		"hashrate": 269473938,                   --total hashrate in h/s on subject pool algo
		"hashrate_shared": 200000000,            --shared mode hashrate in h/s on subject pool algo
		"hashrate_solo": 69473938,               --solo mode hashrate in h/s on subject pool algo
		"workers": 5,                            --amount of workers mining in total
		"workers_shared": 3,                     --amount of workers mining in shared mode
		"workers_solo": 2,                       --amount of workers mining in solo mode		
		"estimate_current": "0.00053653",        --estimate based on last 5 minutes submmited shares per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)
		"estimate_last24h": "0.00036408",        --estimate based on last 24h submmited shares per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)
		"actual_last24h": "0.00035620",          --actual earning based on last 24h found blocks per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)
		"actual_last24h_shared" : "0.00037620",  --actual earning in shared mode based on last 24h found coin blocks per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)
		"actual_last24h_solo" : "0.00033620",	 --actual earning in solo mode based on last 24h found coin blocks per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)	
		"hashrate_last24h": 269473000,           --average hashrate during last 24h		
		"hashrate_last24h_shared": 69473000,     --average hashrate during last 24h in shared mode
		"hashrate_last24h_solo": 20000000000,    --average hashrate during last 24h in solo mode
		"rental_current": "3.61922463",          --not supported
		"mbtc_mh_factor" : 1000                  --multiplier, value 1 represents Mh/S, 1000 represents GH/S, 1000000 represents TH/S, 0.001 represents KH/s


Example 5: boom miners zerg

	"unsold": 0.00050362,                       --currently in exchange or immature statuses
	"balance": 0.00000000,                      --matured ready for payment balance
	"unpaid": 0.00050362,                       --total unpaid unsold+balance
	"paid24h": 0.00000000,                      --total amount payed during last 24h
	"paidtotal" : 0.00000000,                   --total amount payed 
	"minpay": 0.0025,                           --payout threshold, can be configured using pl= 
	"minpay_sunday": 0.0025,                    --payout threshold on Sundays
	"total": 0.00050362,                        --total unpaid + total payed
	"miners":[{	                                --miners information
		"version": "ccminer\/1.8.2",            --miners name
		"password": "d=96",                     --password configuration of your miner identified by a pool
		"ID": "",                               --value specified in ID= param of miner's password
		"algo": "decred",                       --mining algorithm
		"difficulty": 96,                       --miner's current difficulty level
		"subscribe": 1,                         --subscribe extranonce flag
		"accepted": 82463372.083,               --hashrate accepted by pool
		"rejected": 0                           --hashrate rejected by pool
	"payouts": [{                               --payout information
		"time": "1529749163", 
		"amount": 0.01714574, 
		"tx": "8a727e1b591034ad6bdea8be2d82849e8eeaeaf3427414c92327a77c9c56b667"
	}, {
		"time": "1529705825", 
		"amount": 0.02249281, 
		"tx": "491ed3628e7bc3349c7c8bae92baabdcd5edafd49e650c1d811e505a2afe5d93"
	"blocks": [{                               --wallet found block information
		"symbol": "AEON", 
		"height": 1223975, 
		"amount": 3.5972, 
		"algo": "k12", 
		"confirmations": 162, 
		"time": "1591465493", 
		"category": "generate", 
		"blockhash": "655101319a234aea134668a22835910da0dd7851e14b9871d4feaafb5f16e5a7"
	}, {
		"symbol": "AEON", 
		"height": 1223974, 
		"amount": 3.6042, 
		"algo": "k12", 
		"confirmations": 163, 
		"time": "1591465484", 
		"category": "generate", 
		"blockhash": "3735498657c5c7f7732a13ae2dc961ef7e7ac04bedf0541254dff87721cae84f" 

Example 6: boom miners zerg

	"unsold": 0.00050362,     --currently in exchange or immature statuses
	"balance": 0.00000000,    --matured ready for payment balance
	"unpaid": 0.00050362,     --total unpaid unsold+balance
	"paid24h": 0.00000000,    --total amount payed
	"minpay": 0.0025,         --payout threshold, can be configured using pl= 
	"minpay_sunday": 0.0025,  --payout threshold on Sundays
	"total": 0.00050362       --total unpaid + total payed


Misc Example