Bootstrap : align button text left

Or use inline styling for if its just one single button

style="text-align:left; padding-left:6px"

just add text-left class

<input type="button" value="Applicant/Subsidiary" id="mybutton" name="test" class="primary-btn col-xs-11 text-left">

The issue is not how to css text-align to the left, the original post was asking if there is a bootstrap class name(s) works for it.

The .text-left works, but the trouble is there is a .btn that is stronger than text-left, I think this is something bootstrap need to think about.

Checkout this screenshot that I did a test with Chrome inspect on Bootstrap's site. enter image description here

In my Chrome, I add "text-left" on the demo button, and this is the result. Therefore, have !important on it!

.text-left {
  text-align: left !important;