bootstrap datepicker change date event doesnt fire up when manually editing dates or clearing date

You have to use the change event on the input itself if you want to respond to manual input, because the changeDate event is only for when the date is changed using the datepicker.

Try something like this:

$(document).ready(function() {
        format: "yyyy-mm-dd",
    //Listen for the change even on the input
    .on('changeDate', dateChanged);

function dateChanged(ev) {
    if ($('#startdate').val() != '' && $('#enddate').val() != '') {
        $('#period').text(diffInDays() + ' d.');
    } else {

In version 2.1.5

  • bootstrap-datetimepicker.js
  • Contributions:
  • Andrew Rowls
  • Thiago de Arruda
  • updated for Bootstrap v3 by Jonathan Peterson @Eonasdan

changeDate has been renamed to change.dp so changedate was not working for me

$("#datetimepicker").datetimepicker().on('change.dp', function (e) {
            FillDate(new Date());

also needed to change css class from datepicker to datepicker-input

<div id='datetimepicker' class='datepicker-input input-group controls'>
   <input id='txtStartDate' class='form-control' placeholder='Select datepicker' data-rule-required='true' data-format='MM-DD-YYYY' type='text' />
   <span class='input-group-addon'>
       <span class='icon-calendar' data-time-icon='icon-time' data-date-icon='icon-calendar'></span>

Date formate also works in capitals like this data-format='MM-DD-YYYY'

it might be helpful for someone it gave me really hard time :)

The new version has changed.. for the latest version use the code below:

        format:'MMMM DD, YYYY',