branch strategy code example

Example 1: branch strategy

There is master branch and separate branches for each team member. 
when someone finishes work, they push to their own branch, then after 
reviewing it is merged to master.

In my project we had master, develop and branch for person. so, if we have 
2 automation testers, we will have:
- Master    
- Develop    
- Tester1    
- Tester2    
- Tester3
 Each tester checks in to their own branches. Then after reviewing it is 
merged to develop branch. We merge master and develop only once a sprint.
In my project, our code is separate repo from the application code repo. 
Automation framework have a smaller code base and fewer people involved. So, 
we can have less complicated branching policy.
My daily automated smoke from Jenkins runs against the master branch. 
Master branch is stable since  we only merge to with once a sprint.

Example 2: branching strategy

Our test framework is separate repo from the
application code repo. Automation framework 
has a smaller code base, and fewer people
are involved. so we do not have a very 
complicated branching strategy
We have master and develop branches(buffer branch)
in our automation framework repository.
Once I have a story from jira, I create
a new branch from the develop branch with
the issue number of my jira story and check out.
git branch <branchName>
git checkout -b vyt-59I 
write my automated tests on this branch.
Once completed, I create a pull request
so that my code can be reviewed. Once my team
reviews the code, my branch is merged into develop.  
After code is merged, I delete the branch. 
git branch -d <branch_name>
Then get another story from jira, create
new branch for that one ... At the end of every
sprint, (or quarter) we merge with master. 
My daily automated smoke from Jenkins runs 
against the master branch. 
Master branch is stable since we only
merge into with once a sprint.


Misc Example