bubble sort queue java code example

Example 1: bubble sort javascript

bubbleSort(Array) {
    let len = Array.length;
    for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { //you can also use "for in", so you don't need the variable "len"
        for (let j = 0; j < len; j++) {
            if (Array[j] > Array[j + 1]) {
                let tmp = Array[j];
                Array[j] = Array[j + 1];
                Array[j + 1] = tmp;
    return Array;

Example 2: python bubble sort

def bubbleSort(arr): 
    n = len(arr) 
    # Traverse through all array elements 
    for i in range(n-1): 
    # range(n) also work but outer loop will repeat one time more than needed. 
        # Last i elements are already in place 
        for j in range(0, n-i-1): 
            # traverse the array from 0 to n-i-1 
            # Swap if the element found is greater 
            # than the next element 
            if arr[j] > arr[j+1] : 
                arr[j], arr[j+1] = arr[j+1], arr[j] 
# Driver code to test above 
arr = [64, 34, 25, 12, 22, 11, 90] 

Example 3: bubble sort c#

using System;

namespace BubbleSort {
   class Sorting {
      static void Main(string[] args) {
         int[] mixdata = { 56, 23, 2, 86, 45, 102 };
         int temp;

         for (int j = 0; j <= mixdata.Length - 2; j++) {
            for (int i = 0; i <= mixdata.Length - 2; i++) {
               if (mixdata[i] > mixdata[i + 1]) {
                  temp= mixdata[i + 1];
                  mixdata[i + 1] = mixdata[i];
                  mixdata[i] = temp;

         Console.WriteLine("Bubble sort data:");
         foreach (int p in mixdata)
         Console.Write(p + " ");

Example 4: bubble sort python

def bubble_sort(arr):
    def swap(i, j):
        arr[i], arr[j] = arr[j], arr[i]

    n = len(arr)
    swapped = True
    x = -1
    while swapped:
        swapped = False
        x = x + 1
        for i in range(1, n-x):
            if arr[i - 1] > arr[i]:
                swap(i - 1, i)
                swapped = True
    return arr