BUG - No done button for select tag in IOS

Although this is a late answer, I'm sure more people will end up here while searching for a solution to this issue.

By default in your app.js in .run() the hideKeyboardAccessoryBar is set to true, so just find

if (window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.Keyboard) {

and change it to

if (window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.Keyboard) {

I have fought this issue for over four hours. The recommended answer, hideKeyboardAccessoryBar(false) failed repeatedly, with every possible combination of cordova.Keyboard, windows.Keyboard, $window.cordova.Keyboard, yes, inside deviceready, etc. etc. Resolved all conflicts between this and the older plugin.

No joy.

Solution: REMOVE THIS PLUGIN. Guess what. You get your Done button back. Run the following command:

ionic cordova plugin remove cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard

What worked for me is doing:

if (Keyboard) {

The new plugin was exposed as global Keyboard, rather than cordova.plugins.Keyboard, and then the hideFormAccessoryBar is for form elements, rather than just for keyboard typing.