Builder design pattern: Why do we need a Director?

The GoF variation of the Builder pattern does NOT have the Builder WITHOUT the Director. There's a different point to this, but I'll explain further.

The Builder pattern's point is to give you multiple ways to create the same object. Builder should only have methods which build different parts of an object, but the algorithm - the way these functions are executed - should be the concern of the Director. Without the Director every client would have the need to know EXACTLY how the building works. But with the Director all the Client needs to know is what Builder to use in a specific case.

So, what we have here are two parts:

  1. The Builder, that creates parts of the object one by one. The important thing to note is that for this it keeps state of the created object.
  2. The Director, that controls the way Builder`s functions are executed.

Now to the point I was referring earlier. The Builder part of the pattern is useful in other cases and has been used by different vendors WITHOUT the Director for different purposes. A concrete example of such use would be the Doctrine Query Builder.

The disadvantage of such approach is when the Builder starts to build an object it becomes stateful and if the Client doesn't reset the Builder after the object was created - another Client or the same Client that has been used more than once could get the parts of the object that was created earlier. For this reason, Doctrine uses the Factory pattern to create every instance of the Builder.

I hope this helps those googling.

The core portion of the Builder pattern concerns the Abstract Builder and its subclasses (concrete builders). According to GoF's Design Patterns, director simply "notifies the builder whenever a part of the product should be built", which can be perfectly done by the client.

The StringBuilder class in the Java API is an example of a builder without the respective director -- typically the client class "directs" it.

Also, in Effective Java and Creating and Destroying Java Objects, Joshua Bloch suggests the use of the builder pattern, and he does not include a director.