Building a nine - region cluster chart with Tooltip to display labels associated with 2D points
colors = {Magenta, Orange, Cyan, Red, Blue, Green, LightGray, Yellow, Black};
tooltips = {##2} -> Tooltip[{##2}, #] & @@@ mockdataWithNAICS;
{dx, dy} = Round[Subdivide[##, 3]] & @@@ (Round[MinMax@#] & /@
Transpose[mockdataWithNAICS[[All, {2, 3}]]]);
You can use BinLists
with {dx}
and {dy}
as horizontal and vertical bin delimiters to group the data into bins:
binlists = Join @@ BinLists[mockdataWithNAICS[[All, {2, 3}]], {dx}, { dy}];
and use a single ListPlot
to plot all groups:
ListPlot[binlists /. tooltips,
Frame -> True,
PlotStyle -> colors,
GridLines -> {dx, dy},
BaseStyle -> PointSize[Large],
Axes -> False,
AspectRatio -> 1,
PlotRange -> {{-10, 710}, {-10, 710}}]
With a minor modification in tooltips
, you can also use BubbleChart
tooltips2 = {##2} -> Tooltip[{##2, 1}, #] & @@@ mockdataWithNAICS;
BubbleChart[binlists /. tooltips2,
Frame -> True,
ChartStyle -> colors,
GridLines -> {dx, dy},
Axes -> False,
BubbleSizes -> {.02, .02},
PlotRange -> {{-10, 710}, {-10, 710}}]
Update: An alternative way to bin the data using Nearest
bincenters = Tuples[MovingAverage[#, 2] & /@ {dx, dy}];
nF = Nearest[bincenters];
binlists2 = GatherBy[mockdataWithNAICS[[All, {2, 3}]], nF];
Using binlists2
with ListPlot
ListPlot[binlists2 /. tooltips,
Frame -> True,
GridLines -> {dx, dy},
BaseStyle -> PointSize[Large],
PlotStyle -> colors,
Axes -> False,
AspectRatio -> 1,
PlotRange -> {{-10, 710}, {-10, 710}}]
and with BubbleChart
BubbleChart[binlists2 /. tooltips2,
Frame -> True,
GridLines -> {dx, dy},
Axes -> False,
BubbleSizes -> {.02, .02},
ChartStyle -> colors,
PlotRange -> {{-10, 710}, {-10, 710}}]
I believe this has the intended functionality, with simplified code.
minx = Round[Min[mockdataWithNAICS[[All, 2]]]];
maxx = Round[Max[mockdataWithNAICS[[All, 2]]]];
dx = Round[Subdivide[minx, maxx, 3]];
miny = Round[Min[mockdataWithNAICS[[All, 3]]]];
maxy = Round[Max[mockdataWithNAICS[[All, 3]]]];
dy = Round[Subdivide[miny, maxy, 3]];
gridpts = Tuples[{dx, dy}];
regions = {
Rectangle[gridpts[[1]], gridpts[[6]]],
Rectangle[gridpts[[5]], gridpts[[10]]],
Rectangle[gridpts[[9]], gridpts[[14]]],
Rectangle[gridpts[[2]], gridpts[[7]]],
Rectangle[gridpts[[6]], gridpts[[11]]],
Rectangle[gridpts[[10]], gridpts[[15]]],
Rectangle[gridpts[[3]], gridpts[[8]]],
Rectangle[gridpts[[7]], gridpts[[12]]],
Rectangle[gridpts[[11]], gridpts[[16]]]};
(* Updated per GilmarRodriguezPierluissi's suggestion, to work with data sets that have empty regions *)
pts = Cases[Table[Select[mockdataWithNAICS, #[[{2, 3}]] \[Element] r &], {r,
regions}], Except[{}]];
colors = {Magenta, Orange, Cyan, Red, Blue, Green, LightGray, Yellow,
ListPlot[Table[Tooltip[#[[{2, 3}]], #[[1]]] & /@ p, {p, pts}],
Frame -> True, PlotStyle -> colors, GridLines -> {dx, dy},
PlotRange -> {{minx, maxx}, {miny, maxy}}, AspectRatio -> 1]