bullet in table not aligned
This answer is similar in spirit to the one by @daleif. The difference is that I use the macro \RaggedRight
(from the ragged2e
package) instead of the basic \raggedright
directive; the difference is that \RaggedRight
permits hyphenation. I also use a \newcolumntype
instruction to set up a new column type called "P" that sets in contents automatically in Ragged-Right paragraph mode.
\begin{frame}{Symbolic Math Toolbox}
\item Don't do nasty calculations by hand!
\item Symbolics vs.\ Numerics
\begin{tabular}{| p{1.4cm} | P{4cm} | P{4cm} |} \hline
& \textcolor{green}{Advantages}
& \textcolor{red}{Disadvantages} \\ \hline
& \tabitem Analytical solutions
& \tabitem Sometimes can't be solved \\
& \tabitem Lets you intuit things about solution form
& \tabitem Can be overly complicated \\ \hline
& \tabitem Always get a solution
& \tabitem Hard to extract a deep understanding \\
& \tabitem Can make solutions accurate
& \tabitem Num.\ methods sometimes fail \\
& \tabitem Easy to code
& \tabitem Can take a while to compute \\ \hline
Presumably because ~
is stretchable and your columns are attempting to to keep a straight right edge.
Probably better to use
\usepackage{booktabs,array}% http://ctan.org/pkg/booktabs
\begin{frame}{Symbolic Math Toolbox}
\item Don't do nasty calculations by hand!
\item Symbolics vs. Numerics
\begin{tabular}{| >{\raggedright}p{1.3cm} | >{\raggedright}p{4cm} |
>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{4cm} |} \hline &
\textcolor{green}{Advantages} & \textcolor{red}{Disadvantages}
\hline Symbolic & \tabitem Analytical solutions & \tabitem Sometimes
can't be solved
& \tabitem Lets you intuit things about solution form & \tabitem Can
be overly complicated
\hline Numeric & \tabitem Always get a solution & \tabitem Hard to
extract a deep understanding
& \tabitem Can make solutions accurate & \tabitem Num. methods
sometimes fail
& \tabitem Easy to code & \tabitem Can take a while to compute
and thus setting the cols ragged right. Note the \arraybackslash
added to the last column.