avl tree find code example

Example: avl tree c implementation

#include <stdio.h>
#include "avltree.h"
    remove all nodes of an AVL tree
void dispose(node* t)
    if( t != NULL )
        dispose( t->left );
        dispose( t->right );
        free( t );
    find a specific node's key in the tree
node* find(int e, node* t )
    if( t == NULL )
        return NULL;
    if( e < t->data )
        return find( e, t->left );
    else if( e > t->data )
        return find( e, t->right );
        return t;
    find minimum node's key
node* find_min( node* t )
    if( t == NULL )
        return NULL;
    else if( t->left == NULL )
        return t;
        return find_min( t->left );
    find maximum node's key
node* find_max( node* t )
    if( t != NULL )
        while( t->right != NULL )
            t = t->right;
    return t;
    get the height of a node
static int height( node* n )
    if( n == NULL )
        return -1;
        return n->height;
    get maximum value of two integers
static int max( int l, int r)
    return l > r ? l: r;
    perform a rotation between a k2 node and its left child
    note: call single_rotate_with_left only if k2 node has a left child
static node* single_rotate_with_left( node* k2 )
    node* k1 = NULL;
    k1 = k2->left;
    k2->left = k1->right;
    k1->right = k2;
    k2->height = max( height( k2->left ), height( k2->right ) ) + 1;
    k1->height = max( height( k1->left ), k2->height ) + 1;
    return k1; /* new root */
    perform a rotation between a node (k1) and its right child
    note: call single_rotate_with_right only if
    the k1 node has a right child
static node* single_rotate_with_right( node* k1 )
    node* k2;
    k2 = k1->right;
    k1->right = k2->left;
    k2->left = k1;
    k1->height = max( height( k1->left ), height( k1->right ) ) + 1;
    k2->height = max( height( k2->right ), k1->height ) + 1;
    return k2;  /* New root */
    perform the left-right double rotation,
    note: call double_rotate_with_left only if k3 node has
    a left child and k3's left child has a right child
static node* double_rotate_with_left( node* k3 )
    /* Rotate between k1 and k2 */
    k3->left = single_rotate_with_right( k3->left );
    /* Rotate between K3 and k2 */
    return single_rotate_with_left( k3 );
    perform the right-left double rotation
   notes: call double_rotate_with_right only if k1 has a
   right child and k1's right child has a left child
static node* double_rotate_with_right( node* k1 )
    /* rotate between K3 and k2 */
    k1->right = single_rotate_with_left( k1->right );
    /* rotate between k1 and k2 */
    return single_rotate_with_right( k1 );
    insert a new node into the tree
node* insert(int e, node* t )
    if( t == NULL )
        /* Create and return a one-node tree */
        t = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
        if( t == NULL )
            fprintf (stderr, "Out of memory!!! (insert)\n");
            t->data = e;
            t->height = 0;
            t->left = t->right = NULL;
    else if( e < t->data )
        t->left = insert( e, t->left );
        if( height( t->left ) - height( t->right ) == 2 )
            if( e < t->left->data )
                t = single_rotate_with_left( t );
                t = double_rotate_with_left( t );
    else if( e > t->data )
        t->right = insert( e, t->right );
        if( height( t->right ) - height( t->left ) == 2 )
            if( e > t->right->data )
                t = single_rotate_with_right( t );
                t = double_rotate_with_right( t );
    /* Else X is in the tree already; we'll do nothing */
    t->height = max( height( t->left ), height( t->right ) ) + 1;
    return t;
    remove a node in the tree
node* delete( int e, node* t )
    printf( "Sorry; Delete is unimplemented; %d remains\n", e );
    return t;
    data data of a node
int get(node* n)
    return n->data;
    Recursively display AVL tree or subtree
void display_avl(node* t)
    if (t == NULL)
    if(t->left != NULL)
    if(t->right != NULL)


C Example