c delay code example
Example 1: C delay
/** really not much to say...
just a way to program a delay
between commands in your code. **/
//C library statement
#include <time.h>
//Driver program
void dealy(int numOfSec)
/* the delay itself runs with milli seconds
so here we multiply the seconds by 1000. */
int numOfMilliSec = 1000 * numOfSec;
/* Making the time pass with nothing running
until the time is up. */
time_t startTime = clock();
while(clock() < startTime + numOfMilliSec);
/*To use the delay just use the command:
you need to replace x with the number
of seconds that you want the delay to
be. */
///The code itself without the details:
#include <time.h>
void delay(int numOfSec)
int numOfMilliSec = 1000 * numOfSec;
time_t startTime = clock();
while(clock() < startTime + numOfMilliSec);
Example 2: c pause for 1 second
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h> //you need this for linux!
#include <dos.h> //you need this for Windows!
int main(){
sleep(5); // format is sleep(x); where x is # of seconds.
return 0;
Example 3: c include delay
// for micro programming use(havnt tested in other projects):
#include <delay.h>