c++ enumerate code example
Example 1: enum c++
enum Foo { a, b, c = 10, d, e = 1, f, g = f + c };
//a = 0, b = 1, c = 10, d = 11, e = 1, f = 2, g = 12
Example 2: enum in c++
#include <iostream>
enum Example :unsigned char // char will work but float will not work because it is not an interger
A = 9, B = 56, c = 12//values must be integers
};//enum is a just a name for a group of numeric values
int main()
Example example = A;
// Example example2 = 5;// This gives error because the values must be A , B ,C no other values are accepted in our code however we can break this behaiour in c++
if (example == A)//We can use A directly because it is just an unsigned char var but is grouped in Example enum with other values
std::cout << "Good" << std::endl;
Example 3: enum c++
enum names {blah1, Blah2 , blah3};