C# compiler doesn’t optimize unnecessary casts

My guess is that you have discovered a minor bug in the optimizer. There is all kinds of special-case code in there for arrays. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

This is a rough guess, but i think it's about the Array's relationship to its generic IEnumerable.

In the .NET Framework version 2.0, the Array class implements the System.Collections.Generic.IList, System.Collections.Generic.ICollection, and System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable generic interfaces. The implementations are provided to arrays at run time, and therefore are not visible to the documentation build tools. As a result, the generic interfaces do not appear in the declaration syntax for the Array class, and there are no reference topics for interface members that are accessible only by casting an array to the generic interface type (explicit interface implementations). The key thing to be aware of when you cast an array to one of these interfaces is that members which add, insert, or remove elements throw NotSupportedException.

See MSDN Article.

It's not clear whether this relates to .NET 2.0+, but in this special case it would make perfect sense why the compiler cannot optimize your expression if it only becomes valid at run time.

This doesn't look like more than just a missed opportunity in the compiler to suppress the cast. It will work if you write it like this:

    ICollection<object> col = array as ICollection<object>;

which suggests that it gets too conservative because casts can throw exceptions. However, it does work when you cast to the non-generic ICollection. I'd conclude that they simply overlooked it.

There's a bigger optimization issue at work here, the JIT compiler doesn't apply the loop invariant hoisting optimization. It should have re-written the code like this:

object[] array = new object[1];
ICollection<object> col = (ICollection<object>)array;
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)

Which is a standard optimization in the C/C++ code generator for example. Still, the JIT optimizer can't burn a lot of cycles on the kind of analysis required to discover such possible optimizations. The happy angle on this is that optimized managed code is still quite debuggable. And that there still is a role for the C# programmer to write performant code.