C#: Connection between IFormattable, IFormatProvider and ICustomFormatter, and when to use what

  • IFormattable is an object which supports formats in string.Format, i.e. the xxx in {0:xxx}. string.Format will delegate to an object's IFormattable.ToString method if the object supports the interface.

  • IFormatProvider is a source of configuration information that formatters use for things like culture-specific date and currency layout.

  • However, for situations like e.g. DateTime, where the instance you want to format already implements IFormattable yet you don't control the implementation (DateTime is supplied in the BCL, you can't replace it easily), there is a mechanism to prevent string.Format from simply using IFormattable.ToString. Instead, you implement IFormatProvider, and when asked for an ICustomFormatter implementation, return one. string.Format checks the provider for an ICustomFormatter before it delegates to the object's IFormattable.Format, which would in turn likely ask the IFormatProvider for culture-specific data like CultureInfo.

Here is a program which shows what string.Format asks the IFormatProvider for, and how the flow of control goes:

using System;
using System.Globalization;

class MyCustomObject : IFormattable
    public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider provider)
        Console.WriteLine("ToString(\"{0}\", provider) called", format);
        return "arbitrary value";

class MyFormatProvider : IFormatProvider
    public object GetFormat(Type formatType)
        Console.WriteLine("Asked for {0}", formatType);
        return CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.GetFormat(formatType);

class App
    static void Main()
            string.Format(new MyFormatProvider(), "{0:foobar}", 
                new MyCustomObject()));

It prints this:

Asked for System.ICustomFormatter
ToString("foobar", provider) called
arbitrary value

If the format provider is changed to return a custom formatter, it takes over:

class MyFormatProvider : IFormatProvider
    public object GetFormat(Type formatType)
        Console.WriteLine("Asked for {0}", formatType);
        if (formatType == typeof(ICustomFormatter))
            return new MyCustomFormatter();
        return CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.GetFormat(formatType);

class MyCustomFormatter : ICustomFormatter
    public string Format(string format, object arg, IFormatProvider provider)
        return string.Format("(format was \"{0}\")", format);

When run:

Asked for System.ICustomFormatter
(format was "foobar")

Custom formatting works base on the coordination between 3 components:

  • Formattable
  • Format provider
  • Formatter

The formattable objects are instances that can use a format provider along with a format string to format their data by implementing the IFormattable interface. Basically, they will request the format provider to get a formatter and then use the format string which are format instructions to ask the formatter to format their instances. Date/time and numeric types are examples of formattable types.

The format providers are classes that implement the IFormatProvider interface. They are responsible for returning the formatter object base on the format type requested by the caller. The format type could be the type of whatever that a format provider could understand while the returned formatter should be whatever that the caller (the formattable `object in most cases) could use to format their data.

The formatters are objects which are responsible for providing formatting services. For date/time and numeric types, format providers are also formatters which are CultureInfo, DateTimeFormatInfo, and NumberFormatInfo.

In composite formatting implemented by some methods such as String.Format, Console.WriteLine or StringBuilder.AppendFormat, when a format provider is passed to them, they always ask the format provider for a formatter that implements the ICustomFormatter interface. This allows developers to provide various custom formatting to these methods.


