c++ Constructor initializer list with complex assignments

How about adding some static transformation methods?

class C {
    static B transform1(D&);
    static B transform2(D&);
    A a;
    C(D d) :


I would use pointers in this case, Here's the modified version of your example:

//Class A is not modified
/* a class without a default constructor */
class A {
    B x1
    B x2
    A(B x1_, B x2_) : x1{x1_}, x2{x2_} {};

/* a class that contains an A object and needs to initialize it based on some complex logic */
class C {
    A* a;   // I declare this as a pointer
    C(D d)
          // Perform all the work and create b1,b2
          a = new A(b1, b2);

    ~C()    // Create a destructor for clean-up
          delete a;


Using the new operator I can initialize the object whenever I want. And since the object is in the class scope, I delete it in the destructor (at the end of the class scope)