C# Create Acronym from Word

For the Phoenix => PHX, I think you'll need to check the strings against a dictionary of known abbreviations. As for the multiple word/camel-case support, regex is your friend!

var text = "A Big copy DayEnergyFree good"; // abbreviation should be "ABCDEFG"
var pattern = @"((?<=^|\s)(\w{1})|([A-Z]))";
string.Join(string.Empty, Regex.Matches(text, pattern).OfType<Match>().Select(x => x.Value.ToUpper()))

Let me explain what's happening here, starting with the regex pattern, which covers a few cases for matching substrings.

// must be directly after the beginning of the string or line "^" or a whitespace character "\s"
// match just one letter that is part of a word
// if the previous requirements are not met
// match any upper-case letter

The Regex.Matches method returns a MatchCollection, which is basically an ICollection so to use LINQ expressions, we call OfType() to convert the MatchCollection into an IEnumerable.

Regex.Matches(text, pattern).OfType<Match>()

Then we select only the value of the match (we don't need the other regex matching meta-data) and convert it to upper-case.

Select(x => x.Value.ToUpper())

I was able to extract out the JIRA key generator and posted it here. pretty interesting, and even though its JavaScript it could easily be converted to c#.