C# DataGridViewButtonCell set buttons text

If you want all the buttons to have same text use UseColumnTextForButtonValue property.

If you want different text for each button then use DataGridViewCell.Value property

If you want to set the same text for all buttons, you can:

  1. In GridView properties click on edit columns
  2. Click on your button column
  3. Set Text to the text you want to see on each button
  4. Set UserColumnTextForButtonValue to True

See below:

Edit Button Column

I admit that I don't understand why your method wouldn't work, but I was able to get the following to do what you wanted as a work-around:

        DataGridViewButtonCell b = new DataGridViewButtonCell();
        int rowIndex = MainTable.Rows.Add(b);
        MainTable.Rows[rowIndex].Cells[0].Value = "name";

In my example I'm assuming you only have one column (a DataGridViewButtonColumn). You should be able to modify this however you like so long as you set the value after you add the row. Again, not sure why that's the case...