C#: Dynamic parse from System.Type

This should work for all primitive types, and for types that implement IConvertible

public static T ConvertTo<T>(object value)
    return (T)Convert.ChangeType(value, typeof(T));

EDIT : actually in your case, you can't use generics (not easily at least). Instead you could do that :

object value = Convert.ChangeType(myString, propType);

TypeDescriptor to the rescue!:

var converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(propType);
var result = converter.ConvertFrom(myString);

All primitive types (plus Nullable<TPrimitive>, and numerous other built-in types) are integrated into the TypeConverter infrastructure already, and are thus supported 'out-of-the-box'.

To integrate a custom type into the TypeConverter infrastructure, implement your own TypeConverter and use TypeConverterAttribute to decorate the class to be converted, with your new TypeConverter