C# equivalent of java Matcher.hitEnd()

To know if the end has been reached -

I submit that it is as easy as adding (\z)? at the end of your regex,
or anyplace in your regex where you think could match to the end.

This is a passive check you can do, and it will not interfere with any of
the other constructs in any way.

Here is a C# sample usage:

var str =
    "Foo $var1 <br/>Yes\n" +
    "......... <br/>\n" +
    "......... <br/><br/>\n" +
    "Foo $var2 <br/>Yes\n" +
    "..........<br/>\n" +
    "Yes..........<br/>\n" +
    "..........<br/>\n" +

var rx = new Regex(@"Yes(\z)?");

Match M = rx.Match(str);
while (M.Success)
    bool bAtEnd = M.Groups[1].Success;
    Console.WriteLine("Match = {0} , At end  {1}", M.ToString(), bAtEnd);
    M = M.NextMatch();


Match = Yes , At end  False
Match = Yes , At end  False
Match = Yes , At end  False
Match = Yes , At end  False
Match = Yes , At end  True



