C# equivalent to Java 8 "method reference"

You would have to declare a method outside of Thing (or a static Thing method), then you could pass a method-group reference to it:

private string GetName(Thing thing)
    return thing.Name;


List<String> nameList1 = thingList.Select(GetName).ToList();

In C# 6, you can also use an expression-bodied function to save a couple of lines:

private string GetName(Thing thing) => thing.Name;

c# has a equivalent, this feature is callind Method Group

see more:

What is a method group in C#?


private static int[] ParseInt(string s)
    var t = ParseString(s);
    var i = t.Select(x => int.Parse(x));
    return i.ToArray();

with metod group:

private static int[] ParseInt(string s)
    var t = ParseString(s);
    var i = t.Select(int.Parse);
    return i.ToArray();




Java 8