getindex javascript code example

Example 1: javascript findindex

const array1 = [5, 12, 8, 130, 44];
const search = element => element > 13;
// expected output: 3

const array2 = [
  { id: 1, dev: false },
  { id: 2, dev: false },
  { id: 3, dev: true }
const search = obj => === true;
// expected output: 2

Example 2: findindex js

// 	findIndex(callback fn)  

//	.... return index (when condition meets)
//  .... return -1 (if condition not meets)

const array = [5, 12, 8, 130, 44];

/// it returns the index of number which satisfy the condition true
const index = array.findIndex((item)=> item>10);   //1

/// now we can check what element at that index...
console.log(array[index]); // array[1]

Example 3: js get index of item in array


Example 4: index of value in array

// for dictionary case use findIndex 
var imageList = [
   {value: 100},
   {value: 200},
   {value: 300},
   {value: 400},
   {value: 500}
var index = imageList.findIndex(img => img.value === 200);

Example 5: how to get the index of an array in javascript

search = (arr, item) => { return arr.indexOf(item); }

Example 6: js index of

const paragraph = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. If the dog barked, was it really lazy?';

const searchTerm = 'dog';
const indexOfFirst = paragraph.indexOf(searchTerm);

console.log(`The index of the first "${searchTerm}" from the beginning is ${indexOfFirst}`);
// expected output: "The index of the first "dog" from the beginning is 40"

console.log(`The index of the 2nd "${searchTerm}" is ${paragraph.indexOf(searchTerm, (indexOfFirst + 1))}`);
// expected output: "The index of the 2nd "dog" is 52"


C Example