how to use array in c++ code example

Example 1: how to make an array c++

int foo [] = { 16, 2, 77, 40, 12071 };

Example 2: array in c++

// Two dimensional array
int a[2][3]= {
        {1, 2, 3},
        {4, 5, 6}
    cout << a[1][1]; // Output is 5

// Three dimensional array
//[2] is elements; [3] is rows in elements; [4] is column in elemnents 
int a[2][3][2]= {
        //Element 0
        { {1, 2}, 
          {2, 3}, 
          {4, 5} 
        // Element 1
        { {6, 7}, 
          {8, 9}, 
          {10, 11} 
    cout << a[0][1][1]; // Prints 3

Example 3: initialize array c++

int foo [5];

Example 4: arrays in c++

int baz [5] = { };


Cpp Example