c# in operator code example
Example: c# operator
+ Addition Computes the sum of left and right operands. int x = 5 + 5;
- Subtraction Subtract the right operand from the left operand int x = 5 - 1;
* Multiplication Multiply left and right operand int x = 5 * 1;
/ Division Divides the left operand by the right operand int x = 10 / 2;
&& Computes the logical AND of its bool operands. Returns true both operands are true, otherwise returns false. x && y;
|| Computes the logical OR of its bool operands. Returns true when any one operand is true. x || y;
! Reverses the bool result of bool expression. Returns false if result is true and returns true if result is false. !false
% Reminder Computes the remainder after dividing its left operand by its right operand int x = 5 % 2;
++ Unary increment Unary increment ++ operator increases its operand by 1 x++
-- Unary decrement Unary decrement -- operator decreases its operand by 1 x--
+ Unary plus Returns the value of operand +5
- Unary minus Computes the numeric negation of its operand. -5
= Assignment Assigns its right had value to its left-hand variable, property or indexer. x = 10;
x op= y Compound assignment Short form of x =x op y where op = any arithmetic, Boolean logical, and bitwise operator. x += 5;
??= Null-coalescing assignment C# 8 onwards, ??= assigns value of the right operand only if the left operand is null x ??= 5;