c language has pointers code example

Example 1: poiner in c

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
   int c = 5;
   int *p = &c;

   printf("%d", *p);  // 5
   return 0; 

Example 2: poiner in c

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    int var =10;
    int *p;
    p= &var;

    printf ( "Address of var is: %p", &var);
    printf ( "\nAddress of var is: %p", p);

    printf ( "\nValue of var is: %d", var);
    printf ( "\nValue of var is: %d", *p);
    printf ( "\nValue of var is: %d", *( &var));

    /* Note I have used %p for p's value as it represents an address*/
    printf( "\nValue of pointer p is: %p", p);
    printf ( "\nAddress of pointer p is: %p", &p);

    return 0;


Misc Example