C# Multiple BackgroundWorkers

The problem appears to be that your workers are never completing. Why this is, I'm not sure; it has something to do with the fact that the method (and thread) you are running them from is not itself completing. I was able to solve the problem by creating another worker to assign files to the worker array:

    private BackgroundWorker assignmentWorker;

    private void InitializeBackgoundWorkers() {
        assignmentWorker = new BackgroundWorker();
        assignmentWorker.DoWork += AssignmentWorkerOnDoWork;
        // ...

    private void AssignmentWorkerOnDoWork( object sender, DoWorkEventArgs doWorkEventArgs ) {
        for( var f = 0; f < FilesToProcess; f++ ) {
            var fileProcessed = false;
            while( !fileProcessed ) {
                for( var threadNum = 0; threadNum < MaxThreads; threadNum++ ) {
                    if( !threadArray[threadNum].IsBusy ) {
                        Console.WriteLine( "Starting Thread: {0}", threadNum );

                        threadArray[threadNum].RunWorkerAsync( f );
                        fileProcessed = true;
                if( !fileProcessed ) {
                    Thread.Sleep( 50 );

    private void button1_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) {

I'm not happy with this answer because I don't know why, exactly, it didn't work as you originally designed it. Perhaps someone else can answer that...? At least this will get you a working version.

EDIT: Your original version didn't work because the BackgroundWorkerFilesRunWorkerCompleted runs on the same thread as button1_Click (the UI thread). Since you are not freeing up the UI thread, the thread is never getting marked as complete.