C++ Object Instantiation

Though having things on the stack might be an advantage in terms of allocation and automatic freeing, it has some disadvantages.

  1. You might not want to allocate huge objects on the Stack.

  2. Dynamic dispatch! Consider this code:

#include <iostream>

class A {
  virtual void f();
  virtual ~A() {}

class B : public A {
  virtual void f();

void A::f() {cout << "A";}
void B::f() {cout << "B";}

int main(void) {
  A *a = new B();
  delete a;
  return 0;

This will print "B". Now lets see what happens when using Stack:

int main(void) {
  A a = B();
  return 0;

This will print "A", which might not be intuitive to those who are familiar with Java or other object oriented languages. The reason is that you don't have a pointer to an instance of B any longer. Instead, an instance of B is created and copied to a variable of type A.

Some things might happen unintuitively, especially when you are new to C++. In C you have your pointers and that's it. You know how to use them and they do ALWAYS the same. In C++ this is not the case. Just imagine what happens, when you use a in this example as an argument for a method - things get more complicated and it DOES make a huge difference if a is of type A or A* or even A& (call-by-reference). Many combinations are possible and they all behave differently.

Well, the reason to use the pointer would be exactly the same that the reason to use pointers in C allocated with malloc: if you want your object to live longer than your variable!

It is even highly recommended to NOT use the new operator if you can avoid it. Especially if you use exceptions. In general it is much safer to let the compiler free your objects.

On the contrary, you should always prefer stack allocations, to the extent that as a rule of thumb, you should never have new/delete in your user code.

As you say, when the variable is declared on the stack, its destructor is automatically called when it goes out of scope, which is your main tool for tracking resource lifetime and avoiding leaks.

So in general, every time you need to allocate a resource, whether it's memory (by calling new), file handles, sockets or anything else, wrap it in a class where the constructor acquires the resource, and the destructor releases it. Then you can create an object of that type on the stack, and you're guaranteed that your resource gets freed when it goes out of scope. That way you don't have to track your new/delete pairs everywhere to ensure you avoid memory leaks.

The most common name for this idiom is RAII

Also look into smart pointer classes which are used to wrap the resulting pointers on the rare cases when you do have to allocate something with new outside a dedicated RAII object. You instead pass the pointer to a smart pointer, which then tracks its lifetime, for example by reference counting, and calls the destructor when the last reference goes out of scope. The standard library has std::unique_ptr for simple scope-based management, and std::shared_ptr which does reference counting to implement shared ownership.

Many tutorials demonstrate object instantiation using a snippet such as ...

So what you've discovered is that most tutorials suck. ;) Most tutorials teach you lousy C++ practices, including calling new/delete to create variables when it's not necessary, and giving you a hard time tracking lifetime of your allocations.