C++ Overriding... overwriting?

The usual distinction I'm familiar with is of overriding and overloading. Virtual functions are overridden. Functions are overloaded when there's a version with same name but different signature (this exists in many languages). In C++ you can also overload operators.

AFAIK, overwriting is an unrelated concept (overwrite a variable, file, buffer, etc.), and is not specific to C++ or even OOP languages.

In C++ terminology, you have overriding (relating to virtual methods in a class hierarchy) and overloading (related to a function having the same name but taking different parameters). You also have hiding of names (via explicit declaration of the same name in a nested declarative region or scope).

The C++ standard does not use the term "overwrite" except in its canonical English form (that is, to replace one value with a new value, as in the assignment x = 10 which overwrites the previous value of x).

You can overwrite variables, e.g. int a = 0; a = 42; and files (open an existing file for write - if you have permission it will overwrite the existing file contents) if that's what you mean. This has little in relation to overriding. Were you perhaps thinking of overloading?