Example 1: take array as input in c
int size=5;
int array[size]; // array of size=5;
Example 2: array loop in c
int i, array[5]= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
for(i=0 ; i<5 ; i++)
printf("%d", array[i]) ;
Example 3: how to make a c# array
// Syntax:
datatype_variable[dimension] = new datatype[size]{array};
// For example:
string MyArray[] = new string[1]{"Hello","World"};
// or just:
string MyArray[]={"Hello","world"};
// for multidimensions:
// 2D array:
// 2 arrays, 3 values //
int MyArray=[,]=new int[1,2]{
// 3D array:
// 2 arrays, 3 arrays, 4 values //
int MyArray=[,,]=new int[1,2,3]{