C socket: recv and send all data

Usual problems.

void excCommand(char *command)
    if ( send(sock, command, strlen(command), 0) < 0)
        ErrorWithSystemMessage("send() failed");

    char replyMessage[BUFSIZE];
    ssize_t numBytesRecv = 0;
        numBytesRecv = recv(sock, replyMessage, BUFSIZE, 0);
        if ( numBytesRecv < 0)
            ErrorWithSystemMessage("recv() failed");
        printf("%s\n", replyMessage);

Invalid. numBytesRecv could have been zero, in which case there is no message at all, otherwise at this point must be positive, as you've already tested for negative, and it indicates the actual length of the message, which isn't necessarily null-terminated. Change to:

    if (numBytesRecv == 0)
    printf("%.*s\n", numBytesRecv, replyMessage);

and then:

        memset(&replyMessage, 0, sizeof(replyMessage));

Pointless. Remove.

    while (numBytesRecv > 0);

At this point you should check for numBytesRecv < 0 and call perror() or one of its friends.

The recv() and send() functions do not guarantee to send/recv all data (see man recv, man send)

You need to implement your own send_all() and recv_all(), something like

bool send_all(int socket, void *buffer, size_t length)
    char *ptr = (char*) buffer;
    while (length > 0)
        int i = send(socket, ptr, length);
        if (i < 1) return false;
        ptr += i;
        length -= i;
    return true;

The following guide may help you Beej's Guide to Network Programming