C++ STL with jemalloc

Writing an allocator is going to be the easiest solution, since the stl was designed to have interchangeable allocators. This will be the easiest path.

Some projects play games try to get the alternate malloc implementation to replace the malloc and news provided by the compiler's companion library. That's prone to all sorts of issues because you end up relying on specific implementation details of your compiler and the library it normally uses. This path is fraught with danger.

Some dangers of trying to replace malloc globally:

  • Static initializer order has limited guarantees in C++. There's no way to guarantee the allocator replacement is initialized before the first caller tries to use it, unless you ban static objects that might allocate memory. The runtime doesn't have this problem, since the compiler and the runtime work together to make sure the runtime is fully initialized before initializing any statics.
  • If you dynamically link to the runtime library, then there's no way to ensure some of the runtime library's code isn't already bound to its own implementation. Trying to modify the compiler's runtime library might lead to licensing issues when redistributing your application.
  • All other methods of allocation might not always ultimately rely on malloc. For example, an implementation of new might bypass malloc for large allocations and directly call the OS to allocate memory. That requires tracking to make sure such allocations aren't accidentally sent to the replacement free.

I believe Chromium and Firefox has both replaced the allocator, but they play some dirty tricks and probably have to update their approach as the compiler, linker, and runtime evolve.

C++ allows you to replace operator new. If this replacement operator new calls je_malloc, then std::allocator will indirectly call je_malloc, and in turn all standard containers will.

This is by far the simplest approach. Writing a custom allocator requires writing an entire class. Replacing malloc may not be sufficient (there's no guarantee that the non-replaced operator new calls malloc), and it has the risks noted earlier by Adrian McCarthy

If you want to replace malloc everywhere in your program (which I wanted to and also seems the only logical solution), then all you have to do is link against it.

So, if you use gcc then all you have to do is:

g++ yourprogram.cpp -ljemalloc

But, if it's not possible, then you have to use jemalloc via another functions e.g. je_malloc and je_free, and then you have to overload the new and delete operators.

There's no need for including any header if you don't use implementation-specific features (statistics, mostly).

Make yourself allocator. Do like this:

#include <vector>

template<typename T>
struct RemoveConst
    typedef T value_type;

template<typename T>
struct RemoveConst<const T>
    typedef T value_type;

template <class T>
class YourAlloc {
    // type definitions
    typedef RemoveConst<T>              Base;
    typedef typename Base::value_type   value_type;
    typedef value_type*                 pointer;
    typedef const value_type*           const_pointer;
    typedef value_type&                 reference;
    typedef const value_type&           const_reference;
    typedef std::size_t                 size_type;
    typedef std::ptrdiff_t              difference_type;

    // rebind allocator to type U
    template <class U>
    struct rebind {
        typedef YourAlloc<U> other;

    // return address of values
    pointer address(reference value) const {
        return &value;
    const_pointer address(const_reference value) const {
        return &value;

    /* constructors and destructor
    * - nothing to do because the allocator has no state
    YourAlloc() throw() {
    YourAlloc(const YourAlloc&) throw() {
    template <class U>
    YourAlloc(const YourAlloc<U>&) throw() {
    ~YourAlloc() throw() {

    // return maximum number of elements that can be allocated
    size_type max_size() const throw() {
        return std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max() / sizeof(T);

    // allocate but don't initialize num elements of type T
    pointer allocate(size_type num, const void* = 0) {
        return (pointer)je_malloc(num * sizeof(T));

    // initialize elements of allocated storage p with value value
    void construct(pointer p, const T& value) {
        // initialize memory with placement new

    // destroy elements of initialized storage p
    void destroy(pointer p) {
        // destroy objects by calling their destructor

    // deallocate storage p of deleted elements
    void deallocate(pointer p, size_type num) {

// return that all specializations of this allocator are interchangeable
template <class T1, class T2>
bool operator== (const YourAlloc<T1>&,
    const YourAlloc<T2>&) throw() {
    return true;
template <class T1, class T2>
bool operator!= (const YourAlloc<T1>&,
    const YourAlloc<T2>&) throw() {
    return false;

int main()
    std::vector<int, YourAlloc<int>> vector;

    return 0;

The code is copied from here