stringstream in cpp code example

Example 1: stringstream in c++

- A stringstream associates a string object with a stream allowing 
you to read from the string as if it were a stream (like cin).
- Method:
 clear() — to clear the stream
 str() — to get and set string object whose content is present in stream.
 operator << — add a string to the stringstream object.
 operator >> — read something from the stringstream object,

Example 2: c++ string to stream

ostringstream ssTextAsStream("This is part of the stream."); // declare ostringstream
string sTextAsString = ssTextAsStream.str(); // converted to string
cout << sTextAsString << "\n"; // printed out


#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;

Example 3: stringstream in c++

std::stringstream os;
os << "12345 67.89"; // insert a string of numbers into the stream

std::string strValue;
os >> strValue;

std::string strValue2;
os >> strValue2;

// print the numbers separated by a dash
std::cout << strValue << " - " << strValue2 << std::endl;


Cpp Example