swap numbers using function in c code example
Example 1: how to swap values in variables in c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
//initialize variables
int num1 = 10;
int num2 = 9;
int tmp;
//create the variables needed to store the address of the variables
//that we want to swap values
int *p_num1 = &num1;
int *p_num2 = &num2;
//print what the values are before the swap
printf("num1: %i\n", num1);
printf("num2: %i\n", num2);
//store one of the variables in tmp so we can access it later
//gives the value we stored in another variable the new value
//give the other variable the value of tmp
tmp = num1;
*p_num1 = num2;
*p_num2 = tmp;
//print the values after swap has occured
printf("num1: %i\n", num1);
printf("num2: %i\n", num2);
return 0;
Example 2: swap two numbers in c
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
double a, b;
printf("Enter a: ");
scanf("%lf", &a);
printf("Enter b: ");
scanf("%lf", &b);
// Swapping
// a = (initial_a - initial_b)
a = a - b;
// b = (initial_a - initial_b) + initial_b = initial_a
b = a + b;
// a = initial_a - (initial_a - initial_b) = initial_b
a = b - a;
printf("After swapping, a = %.2lf\n", a);
printf("After swapping, b = %.2lf", b);
return 0;