C++ Templates polymorphism

I think the exact terminology for what you need is "template covariance", meaning that if B inherits from A, then somehow T<B> inherits from T<A>. This is not the case in C++, nor it is with Java and C# generics*.

There is a good reason to avoid template covariance: this will simply remove all type safety in the template class. Let me explain with the following example:

//Assume the following class hierarchy
class Fruit {...};

class Apple : public Fruit {...};

class Orange : public Fruit {...};

//Now I will use these types to instantiate a class template, namely std::vector
int main()
    std::vector<Apple> apple_vec;
    apple_vec.push_back(Apple()); //no problem here

    //If templates were covariant, the following would be legal
    std::vector<Fruit> & fruit_vec = apple_vec;

    //push_back would expect a Fruit, so I could pass it an Orange

    //Oh no! I just added an orange in my apple basket!

Consequently, you should consider T<A> and T<B> as completely unrelated types, regardless of the relation between A and B.

So how could you solve the issue you're facing? In Java and C#, you could use respectively bounded wildcards and constraints:

//Java code
Bar(Container<? extends Interface) {...}

//C# code
Bar<T>(Container<T> container) where T : Interface {...}

The next C++ Standard (known as C++1x (formerly C++0x)) initially contained an even more powerful mechanism named Concepts, that would have let developers enforce syntaxic and/or semantic requirements on template parameters, but was unfortunately postponed to a later date. However, Boost has a Concept Check library that may interest you.

Nevertheless, concepts might be a little overkill for the problem you encounter, an using a simple static assert as proposed by @gf is probably the best solution.

* Update: Since .Net Framework 4, it is possible to mark generic parameters has being covariant or contravariant.

There are two problems here: default constructions have the form MyClass c;; with parentheses it looks like a function declaration to the compiler.

The other problem is that Container<Interface> is simply a different type then Container<Foo> - you could do the following instead to actually get polymorphism:

Bar::Bar(const Container<Interface*>&) {}

Container<Interface*> container;
container.push_back(new Foo);
Bar* temp = new Bar(container);

Or of course you could make Bar or its constructor a template as Kornel has shown.

If you actually want some type-safe compile-time polymorphism, you could use Boost.TypeTraits is_base_of or some equivalent:

template<class T>
Bar::Bar(const Container<T>& c) {
    BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((boost::is_base_of<Interface, T>::value));
    // ... will give a compile time error if T doesn't 
    // inherit from Interface

No. Imagine that the container parameter is "hardcoded" into the class it defines (and that is actually how it works). Hence the container type is Container_Foo, that is not compatible with Container_Interface.

What you might try however is this:

template<class T>
Bar(const Container<T> & bar){

Yet you loose direct type checking that way.

Actually the STL way (probably more effective and generic) would be to do

template<class InputIterator>
Bar(InputIterator begin, InputIterator end){

... but I assume you don't have iterators implemented in the container.