C++: using a base class as the implementation of an interface

If Base isn't derived from Interface, then you'll have to have forwarding calls in Derived. It's only "overhead" in the sense that you have to write extra code. I suspect the optimizer will make it as efficient as if your original idea had worked.

class Interface {
        virtual void myfunction() = 0;

class Base {
        virtual void myfunction() {/*...*/}

class Derived : public Interface, public Base {
        void myfunction() { Base::myfunction(); }  // forwarding call

int main() {
   Derived d;
   return 0;

Try this:

class Interface
    virtual void myfunction() = 0;
class Base : public Interface
    virtual void myfunction() {/*...*/};
class Derived
    : public Base
    // myfunction is implemented by base