C# / Web Development learning strategy

You need to understand the fundamentals of C# in order to develop anything useful, be it an ASP.NET website, windows client or web service.

I would start with some good tutorials around the basics of types, classes, methods, events and so on to get to grips with C#. C# Station has some good introductory tutorials here.

To develop web specific skills, start with HTML and CSS.

Then look at how the ASP.NET platform integrates both the C# (application code) and the HTML and CSS (presentational code).

And good luck!

I've helped several people go both from previous languages (like C++) as well as no experience to using C#.

Definately learn C# before you try any particular kind of development (like Web stuff). It will only confuse the newcomer.

If you already know a language, reimplementing a small application from the old language to the new language can help a lot.

Also there are often books for common language transitions - the C# for C++ developers books are good examples. I recommend reading them.

Here's my teaching plan (in short summary):

  1. Give an overview of C# language (types, methods, Main()
  2. Have students write Hello World from the console.
  3. Have students implement the "Simon Says" game from the console.
  4. Have students implement "Simon Says" in WPF. (Using the designer. This used to be Windows Forms, but WPF is a cleaner model)
  5. Give a survey of the more advanced features in C# - delegates, events, etc.
  6. Have students implement "Simon Says" in ASP.NET.

I disagree about learning C# in a bubble. If your end goal is to do web development why start with developing anything but?

The one exception is the console. It's incredibly easy to learn if, for, foreach, etc. in the console.

Do you have any programming experience, web or otherwise? If the answer is no, I'd learn XHTML and CSS first. There are a million tutorials online and it is pretty easy.

If you already have web programming experience then learning C# and applying to the web shouldn't be very difficult. Make sure you read the basics of the two types of ASP.NET (WebForms and MVC) and pick which makes more sense to you. Go thru the tutorials on the asp.net and you should have a fairly good start.

That's how I did it anyway.

