what is type casting in java code example
Example 1: java type casting
int SomeNumber = 5;
double WideCastedNumber = (double)SomeNumber;
double SomeNumber = 5.39;
int NarrowCastedNumber = (int)SomeNumber;
Example 2: cast java
JAVA: Example of cast:
int SomeNumber = 5;
double WideCastedNumber = (double)SomeNumber;
double myDouble = 9.78;
int myInt = (int) myDouble;
Example 3: typecasting java
Assigning a value of one type to a variable of another type is
known as Type Casting.
Auto-boxing; is a process when you take a primitive value and
assign into wrapper class object.
Un-boxing; is a process when you take Wrapper class object
and convert to primitive.
Example 4: casting in java
Example 5: casting in java
Primitive Type casting and Reference Type casting
implicit casting (casting smaller type to larger
int a = 100; double c = a;)
explicit casting (casting larger to smaller
byte b = (byte) a;
upcasting - implicitly done (casting smaller type to larger)
Collection<Integer> collection = new ArrayList<>();
downcasting (cast larger type to smaller one )
List <Integer> list = ( ArrayList ) collection;
Up Casting, Down Casting in Multi Browser testing.
WebDriver, Chrome Driver, Firefox Driver object
I casted to WebDriver to making reference type.
Whenever you taking Screenshots,
whenever executing Java script command.