C++ - when should I use a pointer member in a class

The advantages of using a pointer are outlined by 3DH: lazy initialization, reduction in header dependencies, and control over the lifetime of the object.

The are also disadvantages. When you have a pointer data member, you probably have to write your own copy constructor and assignment operator, to make sure that a copy of the object is created properly. Of course, you also must remember to delete the object in the destructor. Also, if you add a pointer data member to an existing class, you must remember to update the copy constructor and operator=. In short, having a pointer data member is more work for you.

Another disadvantage is really the flip side of the control over the lifetime of the object pointed to by the pointer. Non-pointer data members are destroyed automagically when the object is destroyed, meaning that you can always be sure that they exist as long as the object exists. With the pointer, you have to check for it being nullptr, meaning also that you have to make sure to set it to nullptr whenever it doesn't point to anything. Having to deal with all this may easily lead to bugs.

Finally, accessing non-pointer members is likely to be faster, because they are contiguous in memory. On the other hand, accessing pointer data member pointing to an object allocated on the heap is likely to cause a cache miss, making it slower.

There is no single answer to your question. You have to look at your design, and decide whether the advantages of pointer data members outweigh the additional headache. If reducing compile time and header dependencies is important, use the pimpl idiom. If your data member may not be necessary for your object in certain cases, use a pointer, and allocate it when needed. If these do not sound like compelling reasons, and you do not want to do extra work, then do not use a pointer.

If lazy initialization and the reduction of header dependencies are important, then you should first consider using a smart pointer, like std::unique_ptr or std::shared_ptr, instead of a raw pointer. Smart pointers save you from many of the headaches of using raw pointers described above.

Of course, there are still caveats. std::unique_ptr cleans up after itself, so you do not need to add or modify the destructor of your class. However, it is non-copiable, so having a unique pointer as a data member makes your class non-copiable as well.

With std::shared_ptr, you do not have to worry about the destructor or copying or assignment. However, the shared pointer incurs a performance penalty for reference counting.

Allocate it on the stack if you can, from the free-store if you have to. There is a similar question here, where you will find all the "why's".

The reason you see lots of pointer usage when it comes to games and stuff is because DirectX is a COM interface, and in honesty, most games programmers from back in the day aren't really C++ programmers, they are C-with-classes programmers, and in C pointer usage is very common.

A pointer has following advantages:

a) You can do a lazy initialization, that means to init / create the object only short before the first real usage.

b) The design: if you use pointers for members of an external class type, you can place a forward declaration above your class and thus don't need to include the headers of that types in your header - instead of that you include the third party headers in your .cpp - that has the advantage to reduce the compile time and prevents side effects by including too many other headers.

class ExtCamera;  // forward declaration to external class type in "ExtCamera.h"

class MyCamera {
  MyCamera() : m_pCamera(0) { }

  void init(const ExtCamera &cam);

   ExtCamera  *m_pCamera;   // do not use it in inline code inside header!

c) A pointer can be deleted anytime - so you have more control about the livetime and can re-create an object - for example in case of a failure.

Another reason to use pointers would be dynamic binding. If you have a base class with a virtual method and some derived classes, you can only get dynamic binding using pointers.


